22nd November | Digital Social Innovation and the Cities
- Cristina Tajani City of Milan
- Roberto Costantini Milano Luiss Hub for Makers and Students
opencare, a CAPSSI project: an overview
- Renato Galliano City of Milan
Digital Social Innovation and Citizen Engagement
- Loretta Anania Programme Officer, DG Communication Networks Content and Technologies, Next Generation Internet Unit, European Commission
From Collective Intelligence to Social Innovation
contribution introduced and moderated by Fabio Sgaragli, Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini:
- Alberto Cottica Edgeryders
- Paulien Melis Creative Care Lab of Waag Society
- Olivier De Fresnoye Echopen project
- Winnie Poncelet / Anthony Di Franco Open Insuline project
Cities as Platforms for Open Innovation
Keynote speaker:
Marco Zappalorto, Nesta Italia
contribution introduced and moderated by Claudio Calvaresi, Avanzi:
- Renato Galliano City of Milan / Milan and its “crowdsourced policy making”
- Carolina Pacchi Polytechnic of Milan / Civic crowdfunding and citizen-led micro-regeneration in Milan and in European cities
- Cosimo Palazzo City of Milan / WeMi as a digital/physical platform to reconnect care solutions with societal need
Final remarks
- Zoe Romano WeMake
Call for solutions Open Innovation for Community Care Exhibition
23rd November | New Urban Economies and Care
New Urban Economies and Digital Manufacturing: City of Milan’s vision
Keynote speaker:
- Annibale D’Elia City of Milan
Contribution :
- Stefano Micelli Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
- Cecilia Manzo Università di Firenze
- Marco Taisch Politecnico di Milano
Cristina Tajani City of Milan
Make to Care: an emerging innovation ecosystem
- Stefano Maffei Politecnico di Milano
From care services to care as an open system: opencare’s perspective
- Rossana Torri City of Milan
- Costantino Bongiorno WeMake
Economies of care and innovation
contribution introduced and moderated by Francesco Samorè Fondazione G. Bassetti
- Erik Lakomaa Stockholm School of Economics
- Mario Calderini DIG - Politecnico di Milano
- Lucia Scopelliti Comune di Milano - Direzione Economia Urbana e Lavoro
- Gaela Bernini Fondazione Bracco
- Angela Simone, Fondazione Giannino Bassetti - SMART-map
An introduction to the exhibitions
- Fabrizio Marta Rotellando, Liat Rogel Naba
- Davide Crippa curatore della mostra “Secondo Nome: Huntington”
Rethinking care systems
Rethinking care systems for people and with people, with the help of digital fabrication, co-design and innovation in production processes.
contribution introduced and moderated by Bertram Niessen - cheFare:
- Costantino Bongiorno WeMake & Lisa Noja City of Milan Open Rampette
- Gehan McCloud GalGael Trust - GalGael
- Carlos Arturo Torres - IKO - Lego prosthetic for children
- Antonia Madella / Cristina Dornini, Together To Go, Project UNICO
- Antonella Bertolotti Fondazione Cariplo - Codesign for Rehabilitation and Wellbeing - CReW
Final remarks
- Marianna D’Ovidio Università degli Studi di Bari
Call for Solutions Pitch and Awards
- 3 Minutes-Pitch and Projects Awards
opencare consortium
Event partner

Co-Organized with

Whit the kind contribution of